
The Early Bird Again!

After falling asleep as soon as I put my DDs to bed last night, I woke up alert enough to do an early morning workout (5.50am exactly). I ignored the fact that it was still dark outside and slipped my workout DVD into the player.
This morning, it was the turn of a TAE-BO workout. I poured a large glass of water and got to 'work'. I started with the Basic workout but then fast forward to the Advanced workout. That was more like it. I worked up a sweat and enjoyed all the punches and kick exercises. It felt good. Maybe I had some aggression to get out...
If you're looking for a different type of workout from what you're used to seeing, then as well as checking out Harvey's Fighting Fat, Fighting Fit as I previously posted about, then you should check out and try Tae Bo. Ideal for men and women, so get your partner to do a workout with you. I used to love doing Tae Bo many years ago, before my DDs arrived, but like so many other things, Tae Bo and exercising got put on the back burner. But I'm back now and raring to go. Click on the picture for more details about Tae Bo.

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